When You Look in the Mirror Remember This…

Genesis 1:27 says that God created man in His own image, did you hear that? In the image of God He created him; male and female, it says that he created them.

When you look in the mirror, are you thanking God for His wonderful design? This morning, I looked intently in the mirror. Let me explain. Usually I only look in the mirror to brush my teeth, wash my hands and well the usual, but today, I gazed.

I have been on a journey with the Lord, I’m trying to practice discipline and self control. I admit, I continually fall short. I’ve allowed my tummy to fulfill its desire. So the consequences for me was that I gained a few pounds that I did not welcome. Please keep in mind that if you are currently struggling with this issue, I do not want to discourage you but I’m only sharing so that you can see how God is so faithful even in these things.

You see, I had avoided looking in the mirror, for some time because, I was so unhappy with my appearance. I knew God was calling me to examine myself, so a few years later here I am, examining self. I tried and tried to lose weight but I could not. No one could help me and believe me, many have tried to help.

God is so gracious. I cried out to Him and one day there it was. He had been speaking to me but I allowed the busyness of life to tune Him out. God is so merciful, He continued to speak. He brought to my mind a verse that I had hidden in my heart. Let me share!

If you aren’t familiar with the bible, let me fill you in a little. In Matthew 17, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up on a high mountain. It was just them and He was transfigured before them. He was shining like the sun, and His clothes were white as light! Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Jesus. Can you imagine how glorious this was? God even came on this scene saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” It was so powerful that the disciples fell on their faces and were greatly afraid. Jesus of course touches them and says, “Arise, and do not be afraid.”

Now here comes my point, sometimes we have great experiences in life and God helps us, He does a great work through us and before us. If you have accepted Him, you have everything in Him. However, as you come off those mountain tops, as you walk into the valley of this thing called life, there comes many many trials. Jesus and the disciples came back to many troubles, they were not able to heal the sick, but Jesus could and He did.

Now this is what God so graciously brought to my mind. In Matthew 17:19, the disciples came to Jesus privately and asked Him why they couldn’t cast the demon out. Jesus tells them its because of their unbelief and tells them if they have faith as a mustard seed, the can move a mountain and that nothing will be impossible for them and then here it is, he says however, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.

Now to put this in its correct context, Jesus is speaking about casting out a demon and as I know that I am sealed by the power of the Holy Spirit, no demon can enter me, but keep in mind that we can be influenced if we are not walking by His power.

So what do we do? We fast and pray! This my friend is exactly what I heard. So I say to you, when God leads you to do these things and as you began your journey, it may not be easy but God will faithfully continue to help you.

Today I gazed at this fearfully and wonderfully made daughter of a King, in the Mirror, and I thanked Him for allowing me to look intently to remember His goodness. It’s not about the outer, but all about the inner. Just be thankful.

You my friend were also made in His image, and you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Rejoice and give Him thanks forevermore! Whatever He is calling you to do, look in that mirror and say that you will follow after Him. He is the our Shepherd and He is the way the truth and the life.

In Christ’s Love,


A woman who spent 21 years of her life feeling rejected, lost and lonely. Who was saved by a King, who continues to pursue her, to redeem, restore and keep her, by His life giving words that she hides deeply in her heart. She is thankful that she has been given a new heart, one of flesh and not of stone who in return, desires to use all that she’s been given to encourage and uplift other women who are in the same bondage that she was once in, by telling them of her Savior. She will forever cling to her King Jesus Messiah and welcomes all to come to His feet, to learn of His ways and His truth and she will forever proclaim that He is our hearts desire, nothing more will ever satisfy. An ordinary women pursued by an extraordinary God. A wife and Mother who has been shown mercy, grace and forgiveness and she desires to show in return that same love, with kindness on her lips, that there is hope in the One who shows us the way, the truth and the life. Seek Him and you will find Him! A sinner saved by grace! - Mary