A Friend Loves At All Times!

Today, was a very tough day. Have you ever felt as if there was not one person you could talk to? Today was one of those days for me. I felt as if I couldn’t turn to my closest friends because I believed a lie. The lie that says I let them down or that they have let me down. The lie that says everyone is just too busy for you. I believed a lie that said I couldn’t even turn to my husband.

Sometimes the Lord allows us to go through things like this, because most of the time, it will lead us back to Him; He doesn’t cause it, we do.

We get so comfortable going to everyone we know, when we have a problem, except going to Him. I’m not saying that it’s wrong to seek wise counsel, we should. We should seek God first, and when He does lead us to seek counsel, it’s a good thing.

When you start becoming codependent on everyone but the One who truly cares, it will lead to emptiness.

As I started to realize I was thinking thoughts that were not true, I knew right then, that I needed time with Jesus!

My dear reader, if you have ever felt this way or if you are feeling this way now, go and sit at His feet. He will fill you like nobody can! Repent of any sin and fix your eyes on Him!

God is truth and His Word is truth. He is the One that will not fail us. He is the One who constantly extends His Mercy and Grace.

Why do we do this to ourselves? We know that going directly to Him would have prevented all the extra nonsense that we created in our own minds; yet we do it anyway. Why?

Today, we live in a world that says, “now.” We have allowed ourselves to be conformed and now we think it’s just a little easier to push a few buttons on a device to speak to someone, anyone, right? We have an expectation that they will answer because we have trained ourselves to think they revolve their lives around ours. Isn’t this sad? It’s because we take our eyes off of the faithful One and put them on everything and everyone else or on ourselves.

But God, He is so amazing. He tells us in His Word, not to conform and He tells us to think on things that are true and lovely. As I realized this was happening to me and as I dug deep into His Word, I was able to take my thoughts captive. I know my husband, friends and family love me as I love them too, I was just caught up on self and feelings. I just needed to spend time with Jesus. Through my fog, I could hear Him speaking to me. He is our friend the only one who will not fail us.

Proverbs 17:17 a friend loves at all times, And a brother is born for adversity.

This was actually the verse that came to my mind as I headed to my closet to cry. He is so merciful and gracious! People can’t always be there but God, He can! He is who we really need. I’m thankful God allows days like this, days of weakness, days where we have no one to turn to but Him. It’s the best thing that can happen, if it leads you back to Him.

Seeking Him first is much better! My encouragement to you my friend, if you have believed a lie, or if you find yourself running to everybody but Jesus is to stop and turn to the One who calls you friend; take All Things to Him first. Each time you find yourself focusing on “Self,” just go and sit at His feet again and again until you are emptied of “Self” and be filled up to overflowing by Him! He is the faithful One, He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother!

In Christ’s Love,


A woman who spent 21 years of her life feeling rejected, lost and lonely. Who was saved by a King, who continues to pursue her, to redeem, restore and keep her, by His life giving words that she hides deeply in her heart. She is thankful that she has been given a new heart, one of flesh and not of stone who in return, desires to use all that she’s been given to encourage and uplift other women who are in the same bondage that she was once in, by telling them of her Savior. She will forever cling to her King Jesus Messiah and welcomes all to come to His feet, to learn of His ways and His truth and she will forever proclaim that He is our hearts desire, nothing more will ever satisfy. An ordinary women pursued by an extraordinary God. A wife and Mother who has been shown mercy, grace and forgiveness and she desires to show in return that same love, with kindness on her lips, that there is hope in the One who shows us the way, the truth and the life. Seek Him and you will find Him! A sinner saved by grace! - Mary