Seek First The Kingdom!

Thank you Jesus for providing a way! Have you ever wondered if you would be able to afford college for your child? Well that’s what I was wondering these past few days but… God, He always has a plan! 

My daughters have been doing online school for a few years now. We have been absolutely blessed with our children being able to do school from home. Yes there have been many days where I’ve cried, and ask God if I was doing the right thing. I remember telling my eldest daughter that no matter what decisions we make as long as we are being prayerful, taking it to God, and of course as we wait on Him, He has a plan and no matter what happens in life, good and even bad at times, He will work it out for our good (Romans 8:28). Well I was certainly encouraged by this promise today. 

You see, when the girls were younger and before I was remarried, I asked God about everything! I’m not saying that I don’t now, but because I didn’t have anyone to help me make decisions regarding my children, I knew God would lead me. He is faithful.

Throughout the time of raising the girls on my own, I did not put any focus on school. If they needed help, I did the best I could to help them and guide them but, we would take it pretty much all the time, to God in prayer. Yep just like that famous hymnal, what a friend we have in Jesus!

I have a memory that I’d like to share about my youngest daughter. When she was just learning to read, she wasn’t yet reading at her grade level so, the three of us came together, and prayed specifically for God to help her in this area and by the end of that year she received an award on that very subject. Her reading level was way above average. God helped her and He continues to help us as we go to Him. 

So about college, I do believe school is important but I hid it in my heart that God would always be first. So one day, there I was, thinking about how amazing the girls were doing in school and I was so thankful to God, and then a thought came to my mind, “Would we be able to put them through college?” I had peace knowing that God would provide.

Just a few days later which was a few weeks ago my stepson, I don’t like to say step anything so I will say my handsome son, he’s in college right now and he tells my daughter that she can use my husbands benefits from the military. (If you aren’t familiar with it, I encourage you to look it up if you or your spouse serve or have ever served in the military). I decided to look into this and guess what, it covers 150 hours! Do you know how amazing this is? This means both my girls will be able to go to college! As the Lord wills. Thank you Jesus. I also received some good information from a College Counselor, where she encouraged me on some specific information pertaining to the ability of having both girls use the hours smoothly. They would attend a community college first, pay out of pocket there and use the benefits later, when they transfer into a University. Thank you God for your faithfulness, we have a plan! God had a plan all along! Worry about nothing.

Where there is a will, there’s certainly a way! He continues to prove this over and over to me. God gets the glory!

As I think about this wonderful thing, I can’t help but think about God’s Word which reads,

Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 

A promise hidden in my heart and I’m so thankful we haven’t put pressure on our children to attend college, but yes we encourage it.

It’s all Gods wisdom, and only by His grace that we have gained an understanding in this, and we understand that God may have other plans for them. 

In this day, I have seen that too many kids are pressured to go to College. Maybe not so much by their parents but because of the expectation that it’s “The next thing.” I’m not saying it’s a bad thing at all, obviously I want my children to do well and to learn all they can but, with a focus on God first. I pray they walk in the way of the Lord. I don’t know it all and I won’t act like I do, I share in hopes that this would encourage you!

The Matthew 6 verse is more alive than yesterday, He is good and faithful and His promises are so true!!!!! 

When I asked my youngest daughter, “What would you like to do after you graduate from high school?” She answered, “I want to be a stay at home mom.” I love it, she’s been saying this since she was itty bitty, but she plans to take some courses in college, if it’s His will for her life.

A woman who spent 21 years of her life feeling rejected, lost and lonely. Who was saved by a King, who continues to pursue her, to redeem, restore and keep her, by His life giving words that she hides deeply in her heart. She is thankful that she has been given a new heart, one of flesh and not of stone who in return, desires to use all that she’s been given to encourage and uplift other women who are in the same bondage that she was once in, by telling them of her Savior. She will forever cling to her King Jesus Messiah and welcomes all to come to His feet, to learn of His ways and His truth and she will forever proclaim that He is our hearts desire, nothing more will ever satisfy. An ordinary women pursued by an extraordinary God. A wife and Mother who has been shown mercy, grace and forgiveness and she desires to show in return that same love, with kindness on her lips, that there is hope in the One who shows us the way, the truth and the life. Seek Him and you will find Him! A sinner saved by grace! - Mary