His Thoughts, and His Ways are Higher!

Isaiah 55:8 – “For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.
Isaiah 55:9 – “For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

So lately I’ve been thinking about some things.

Right now, our world has been shaken. There is a sickness that has been spread all over the world. People have been ordered to practice social distancing to stop the spread. To me its really like physical distancing because we are still able to socialize. In our home, we have been accustomed to this with three of our children previously doing online school and with me previously working from home so it’s not too much of a change, except for out of the home. However I totally understand for some, this is a big change.

I was reading about how some of the hospitals are short on supplies, people are dying daily. They have ordered people to stay home, some cities are completely shut down. The number of people who are getting sick, have been rising. The president has had to make huge decisions.

There are some amazing things that have also happened, like Christians have been able to use their gifts, such as prayer, encouragement, faith, wisdom, worship, and the Word is all over social media like never before. It’s amazing. People are open to hearing about Jesus. Abortions have been put on hold.

Even still, there are changes everyday that cause us to think. What’s next, will we hear the sound of that wonderful trumpet soon?

God wants all to come to know Him. The time is short. Even you, who have wandered away, He is calling for you. Can you hear Him? Have you thought He has forgotten about you? He hasn’t.

I can’t help but think of this verse in Isaiah, where the Lord tells us, that His thoughts and ways are not the same as ours. This verse gives me so much peace and joy!

The number one question right now is, “What are your thoughts?” As you think about this question, I want you to keep this verse in mind. Some of you may be rejoicing in this time, because you know that God is good and that He will work it out for our good, to those that love Him right? What a peace. However, I know that there are many, that are unsure of their faith, and many that don’t believe and that have probably even rejected God up to this point. This is why I’m writing today.

God loves you so much, yes you! God sent His only Son, to die for you. I challenge you to think about this. Would you do this for a person like you? Would your parent do this if they knew the real you? God, knows exactly who we are, and yet He did this for us. Why? Maybe you are asking why. We have a God who desires to have a relationship with us, a personal relationship, because He is Holy, He cannot look upon sin. We were born into sin because of the fall. All have fallen short, but God and all His goodness provided a way for us to come into His presence once again, and that was through His precious Son. Jesus!

Jesus, fulfilled the scriptures, He was the lamb who was slain for you and me. His blood covers us. When God looks on us, if we have accepted the finished work on the cross, God sees Jesus and we are made righteous in Him because He is righteous. Does this make sense to you? Nothing you do, will get you into heaven, except Jesus, because He is the way, the truth and the life. He has conquered death.

God is not shaken, nothing moves Him. You can have a peace that surpasses all understanding if you would just trust in Him today. When all this is over, God remains the same.

I love this verse in Psalm 1:2-3,
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3 He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.

It goes on to say, in verse 4 that, “The ungodly are not so,
But are like the chaff which the wind drives away.

Which would you rather be like? Are you worried, or unstable? Do you feel like you are being tossed to and fro?

There is another beautiful verse which reads in Psalm 119:165 “Great peace have those who love Your law,
And nothing causes them to stumble.

Do you want this peace?

If you read this today, and you can hear Him, I encourage you to cry out to the Holy One and ask Him into your heart!

Today is the day of Salvation!

You will see, as you allow Him to work in your heart, little by little your life will change and the things that once kept you in bondage will no longer have a stronghold in your life. Even as this world gets tossed to and fro, you will be able to stand strong, as you allow Him to be your firm foundation. Over time you will see, you made the best decision you could ever make. He will give you a peace that surpasses all understanding and you will be set free♥️

I’m so glad that His thoughts are not the same as ours, I’m so thankful that His ways are always higher♥️

In Christ’s Love,


A woman who spent 21 years of her life feeling rejected, lost and lonely. Who was saved by a King, who continues to pursue her, to redeem, restore and keep her, by His life giving words that she hides deeply in her heart. She is thankful that she has been given a new heart, one of flesh and not of stone who in return, desires to use all that she’s been given to encourage and uplift other women who are in the same bondage that she was once in, by telling them of her Savior. She will forever cling to her King Jesus Messiah and welcomes all to come to His feet, to learn of His ways and His truth and she will forever proclaim that He is our hearts desire, nothing more will ever satisfy. An ordinary women pursued by an extraordinary God. A wife and Mother who has been shown mercy, grace and forgiveness and she desires to show in return that same love, with kindness on her lips, that there is hope in the One who shows us the way, the truth and the life. Seek Him and you will find Him! A sinner saved by grace! - Mary