
I just wanted to share my joy! Yikes where do I began? Well first of all I would like to thank you again for all the birthday love sent to me on social media 💕 it truly blesses my heart to see that so many people can take that time to comment when it’s so easy to scroll right? Thank y’all! 🌸

This year for my birthday I simply wanted to spend time with my family and as y’all already know I’m a grandmother so this glam-ma just wanted to spend all the time with her grandson and thankfully I was able to. 💕

I’m learning and growing to be at peace with all the things life brings. Learning to be content, learning to not care so much about the outer beauty and more so about the inner beauty and more on my health.

I’m learning to trust and obey God more and more. This year I practiced putting those things I believed He has called me to do into action. I’m learning what it looks like to enjoy and appreciate the people the Lord puts in my path. 💕

All this to say, is that as I began to reflect on all my years, the Lord has graciously given. It isn’t until now that I can say I truly truly appreciate the big and small things. I can’t help but say that if you find yourself busy, slow down and take a walk and talk with your creator. You will be filled as He has filled my life with so much joy. I still remember where I was when I cried out to Him. No need to revisit a lot of you reading this post, grew up with me and know, but for those that haven’t maybe some of you have also had changed lives and some of you probably wish you could. The truth is we cannot change on our own, but when we seek the Lord and find Him, you will never be the same.

Chris and I were in youth class today, after his message I asked if I could share and as the Holy Spirit led I began to talk to the youth, and one youth said I feel like you already know what I’m going through, what my struggles are and the other one agreed and then the other. I said it is the Lord that knows because I do not know anything any of you are going through but right there was an opportunity to remind them and you that God sees and knows everything – everything you have ever done and wants you to repent of the sin you may find yourselves in. Believer or unbeliever – you see, the message was in John 3:19-21 and that passage just became real to them because God’s word is living! 🙌🏻

Are you walking in the light? Or are you walking in darkness? The Lord wills that all should come to know Him. It’s not too late for anyone – today is the day of salvation. I pray you find Him and make peace with Him because if not you are condemned already, He came so that we can have life more abundantly.

My life is full of joy because I know Him. No matter what state we are in, if we know Him, we will find that this life is but a moment and we are called for a purpose. 💕

I’ve never made one of these flowery crowns 🥹 that I can remember but this reminds me of whose I am, I am a daughter of the one true King 🥹♥️ funny story but when I put this flowery crown on I felt so young and beautiful, I even did a twirl when I came home and my husband just smiled 🥰 – He makes us new, we become more and more beautiful as we live out His word. As we follow Jesus, we shine. Are you shining? 💞 One thing my husband and I enjoy, is sharing Jesus, please reach out if you would like to know Him more or come visit us at church 💕

I love serving alongside you Christopher, sometimes I may not understand how you say or do some things but today watching you relate with the youth at their level with things I cannot, made all the sense. You show that you care and because of that they care what you say. God uses everything and all who are willing to be used. I admire you greatly and thank God for you. 💞

A woman who spent 21 years of her life feeling rejected, lost and lonely. Who was saved by a King, who continues to pursue her, to redeem, restore and keep her, by His life giving words that she hides deeply in her heart. She is thankful that she has been given a new heart, one of flesh and not of stone who in return, desires to use all that she’s been given to encourage and uplift other women who are in the same bondage that she was once in, by telling them of her Savior. She will forever cling to her King Jesus Messiah and welcomes all to come to His feet, to learn of His ways and His truth and she will forever proclaim that He is our hearts desire, nothing more will ever satisfy. An ordinary women pursued by an extraordinary God. A wife and Mother who has been shown mercy, grace and forgiveness and she desires to show in return that same love, with kindness on her lips, that there is hope in the One who shows us the way, the truth and the life. Seek Him and you will find Him! A sinner saved by grace! - Mary